All Users - 2013-2014, Round 4

Team 1 vs Team 2
Name Score Rank   Name Score Rank
applebonkers 87 36830 vs Noyb 74 130481
Spencer 75 119214 vs HyperloopingCrazy 83 3946
Seedy Aress 77 11444 vs Team Hayemaker 88 35300
Goonerdave Previous Cup Winner 74 178291 vs Pryston North End FC 90 7916
spartanunited 81 11247 vs Birthday Sess 84 68427
Inspector Gadget 85 2176 vs RaspingDrive 76 389270
david richardson 78 69577 vs MJ6987 79 44587
Heisenberg Says Relax... 81 59640 vs Malcolm tucker for England manager 81 14386
De Roiste 78 30287 vs Tal 79 49500
The Flying Nugget 71 85477 vs Phaze 1 77 31060
Tdubb05 74 70043 vs caherboy 71 4978
sim716 79 118915 vs straitty 69 454195
TomKong 74 17035 vs Noel B 82 8010
Dilks 68 206210 vs Sniper147 72 36735
Sporting 65 168457 vs American Psycho 69 231436
ASHTON88C 77 136310 vs chrisford80 61 73332
The Boot 73 23505 vs Hillbillypete 77 448907
regularjohn 76 274021 vs Pigeonislandfc 73 294162
mickey30101985 87 65677 vs philmoran83 81 25580
TOMDN 87 182112 vs akager 72 4930
Indeh 75 3988 vs kool1123 69 435713
11 Men in Flight 75 46473 vs toponepercent 69 15758
The Final 3rd 82 42917 vs KevIRL 80 19690
Son of Rambo 86 152970 vs AH67 69 44587
Nepalock 92 3734 vs Bigrig 76 91025
sleepingmaster Previous Cup Winner 74 152378 vs Albany City 74 10719
bekorchi 73 241606 vs Lanley Staurel 69 144962
g-doo 76 66088 vs The3rdTurd 65 6455
Rebel Gooner 80 560437 vs bcdahm 78 24400
Andy Paps 97 90615 vs Snella FC 85 230
Jk 171 72 133101 vs dino_dem 87 156393
@ 55 438302 vs Raymond Delauney 83 708195
SpartakBosco 63 231284 vs MHK LEGENDS 79 165826
Damo 80 3306 vs iLA 86 24400
Gaillimh73 73 61799 vs Innsie 62 97447
Mr T 63 88585 vs rocket science 53 133844
2ndMan 79 11392 vs davidmccann 78 25671
Goaldigger 79 15119 vs Bedknobs and Boomsticks 70 26574
Marco-Mourinho Purves 57 194884 vs Cunny Funts 66 27572
FPLAaron 76 622998 vs Chazza 64 111620
Ericantona_707 88 113031 vs Stan The Man 71 224649
CanTheyScore 79 21693 vs jamelingus 72 9178
giuliop11 59 1119 vs luke89carpenter 65 42717
Sir Bobby Evans 69 270710 vs The Hasselhoff XI 82 8369
The Sarjeant 78 526513 vs Eddy3161 74 6103
Tommy Tynans Left Shin Pad 78 77432 vs Rude Dog 71 179139
Jumpers4Goalposts 73 47810 vs cromulent1 82 55678
The Upper Deckers 57 857918 vs Ants Allstars 71 188195
heco87 79 88450 vs whoracle 79 211646
theblarneypilgrims 87 8369 vs Hamzilla 78 14752
rhinos 76 30236 vs MileHigh 89 136310
ec3dm 72 149129 vs ponyboy 71 66191
super zlatan 72 45891 vs Michu at De Gea Ba 97 90615
GOB 61 88293 vs snipsnap369 72 262316
Eedee 56 46034 vs Burgerkid 79 82833
Champion blues 83 123124 vs EpicFAIL 80 42589
mark collier 58 22309 vs BJ 74 4930
Real Mayonnaise 73 21693 vs Tony Hibberts Love Child 79 570
Mr Sarcastic 70 30110 vs absinthe 72 41176
Iron2010 75 17249 vs Arf F.C 85 4345
FC Separit 69 102265 vs Yes the Sess! 75 165826
pifffc 75 4571 vs GreenPL 67 533671
WSK 94 59441 vs Raddy 68 14323
Ajax 66 130621 vs Woeisme 60 82161